Saturday 27 January 2007

Pink Clouds!


RUTH said...

These are lovely; glad you decided to publish. My one OUR SKY is still in private mode; I intend to gradually put every sky photo on there...even the BADLY taken ones. Funny thing is I think we've used the same template...I think the black shows the photos up so well. I love the really red skies in some of yours....they are the favourites in my one.
Happy Snapping

Sheila said...

I just found this blog Libby...!
Great idea..and these are wonderful captures.
When my daughter was about 11, she scared the wits out of a friend. They were standing outside and G looked up at a beautiful sky, turned to the other girl and said."Isn't that beautiful, too bad about gravity...we could just float up into it.That's all that stops us from exploring the universe."
The other girl was quite greaked out by this, and said I'm going home...!!
We still laugh about this.
That's my daughter..still dreaming and exploring.

Sheila said...

That was supposed to be freaked..not greaked...oops!

Libbys Blog said...

What a fantastic thought though!!!